BB16 Cast

BB16 Cast

House Status

Week 1:
HOH1: Frankie. HOH2: Caleb.
Frankie nominated Brittany & Victoria
Caleb nominated Donny & Paola
BOB winners: Brittany & Victoria
Donny & Paola remain on the block.
POV winner: Donny.
The final nominees: Paola & Joey

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Most Twisted Summer Ever

 This year, unlike any other year of BB, the premiere was broken into two nights, the live feeds scheduled to turn on immediately following the second episode, rather than the first, like every year prior to BB16. Rumors ran wild of what this could mean. All signs pointed to returning HG's from previous seasons, coming back to the BB house and possibly entering later than the newbies, explaining the two night premiere. However once the cast was revealed, we were all pleasantly surprised to discover 16 fresh, new faces. What then, was the need for two premieres, and why were we denied another day of the feeds we have been so eagerly anticipating? "It's all part of what is now being called the most twisted Summer ever." Our lovely host, Julie Chen (AKA Chenbot), finally explains. Here's how it works: Half of the HG's will move in first, to be shown on night one of the premiere. Those first 8 will then compete for Head of Household. The second half of HG's will move in shortly after (I'm not sure how soon after the first group moved in, that the second group entered, but my initial idea was that they all actually moved in on the same night. However, as always, I could be mistaken). The second group of 8 then compete for HOH. At this point there will be two HOH's. Both HOH's make nominations as usual (unable to nominate the same people) therefore there will be 4 nominees. So this year, the HG's have almost a 25% chance of being on the block. Not to fear though, newbies, because it just isn't practical to vote between 4 nominees during evictions, therefore somewhere between Nominations and Thursday's live show, 4 nominees must become 2. Introducing: "Battle of the Block" (BOB). This block battle will take place between the 4 nominees. This also could add a whole new element of nominating, because you may want to nominate weaker or stronger players to influence the results of the BOB. Both pairs of nominees must work together with their fellow block partner, and whichever pair wins is immediately freed from the block, and the HOH who nominated them, dethroned. This leaves us with one HOH, 2 nominees, a POV comp approaching, and the two BOB winners safe from re-noms, while the dethroned HOH who nominated them, is thrown back into the pool of potential re-nom victims. Surprisingly, I don't hate it. In fact, it could make for a very interesting Summer. I do have a few questions about it though: After week one, how will the two HOH's be determined? Will it still be two separate competitions between the two groups, like in the first week? Will it be one competition between all the HG's where 1st and 2nd place claim the HOH title? Or, will two new, randomly determined groups compete in two separate HOH comps? Will the two groups in fact be teams, where HOH from group 1 can only nominate people from group 2?
If anyone knows the answers to these questions, or can help me find the answers, please, please comment below or tweet me @bigbrotherfixx.
So far it is shaping up to be a pretty twisted Summer, but that's not all. Chenbot also told us about "Team America". This is a viewer interactive twist that is designed to effect the game in the same way that "America's Player" did back in BB8. In fact it is similar. Team America is a secret task alliance, with three members voted in by America. I'm not sure how much these tasks will actually effect nominations, evictions, or the outcome of the game. Each Team America member will receive $5,000 for every task they complete. With three members, and depending on the amount of tasks and rate of completion, CBS could be shelling out a lot of money this year. But if the amount of cash they spend has any correlation with the quality of the show, we could potentially get back the BB we used to know and love. Hah.

Big Brother Fix

Big Brother Fix